A Complicated Pisces
Laquitta Asks:
I met this guy while I was at work.Iam a cancer woman me and the guy exchanged numbers we talk. The thing is he travels with his job and he stays in Memphis. I stay in Texas I like him so much but, Ive told him personal info and he still wont open up to me.So Idk what to say so I kerp light conversation. How, do I know he likes me or even intetested?
Unfortunately there isn’t much for me to work with here in terms of what exactly you did/said or how he specifically reacted to really give you a personalized analysis. I can only really direct you to some of the other posts I made such as https://piscesview.com/how-do-i-know-if-a-pisces-man-likes-me/ to know if he is interested in you or not.
The only super general thing I can say is if you exchanged numbers and all where he isn’t opening up then you are possibly not adding value to the relationship in a way that he would value at this point in time. It’s not anyone’s fault per se but rather you two sound like you aren’t in a position to give the other what they need at the moment. You basically need to find out what that is.
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