Ask A Pisces Man Mailbag October 9, 2011
Susanah Asks:
Hey alan,
I wanted to ask you about a guy…he’s smaller than me about 3 years, I’m 17 now, and he kissed me the other day i just froze so i didn’t get the chance to stop him, but then i said it was weird how he’s smaller than me and everything then he said you can forget that i ever kissed you, but the point is i feel like he just wanted to do it for fun…and it kinda hurts so i was wondering what your thought on this stituation was..are boys always like this?
It’s kind of hard to determine exactly what is going on as I don’t really know to what extent in regards to the relationship that you two have with each other. For example, is this a person you have known for a long time? Is it a person that you normally just cross paths with daily? But typically speaking by the sounds of it, it would seem like he took the comment very personal in a way like if a guy stereotypically told a girl “It looks like you have been eating too much” as a way to imply weight.
Speaking for myself, I can’t say “boys are always like that” as for me I am more on the reserved side. There is no way I would just go around kissing a girl for fun in that situation for example as if it was like a pat on the back as to me it signifies something more. So if the person had my type of personality then it was not a joke and that comment you gave him told him that you did treat it as a joke. Hence, the response of you can just forget that he ever kissed you. Course, as usual the key is communication I say. Talk to him about it.
Amy Asks:
Hi Alan,
Im a Pisces girl, (17) and im very interested in a Pisces guy of the same age. Im a little oblivious sometimes (lost in thought generally) so im not sure if hes flirting with me or not, he recognizes me from a mile away (almost literally) and hes always blushing when people make remarks about us. he knows im interested, and i flirt very openly with him. does he like me back or am i just fooling myself again?
Generally speaking, if a person recognizes and acknowledges your presence then there is some kind of interest. I think you are just “fooling” yourself if you see that the person keeps doing things to hurt you as oppose to embrace you. Example, like it could be if you were flirting with him he consistently does pranks to embarrass you in-front of people. Then when it is just you two it’s like he treats you so well and different. Course that is just a very broad example, but that’s where you have to do some analysis to see what kind of actions he consistently does when he is around you.
Kangourou Asks:
I’m a Pisces Sun, Cancer ascendant, Leo Moon. The generic descriptions of my sun sign point out that Pisces are generally inclined to be gullible and easily taken advantage of by other people. Sometimes I feel this is the case for me, as I’ve had a number of people shamelessly walk all over me to get what they want.
I have a few questions: as a Pisces man, how do you resist attempts to manipulate you ? When you want people to do what you want, do you ever find yourself using certain persuasive or manipulative tactics ? If so, what are they ?
Finally, what is a Pisces man’s strength ? Because from generic descriptions, astrology writers imply that he is fundamentally weak and easily railroaded :/
The first thing I always say is that people are the way they are based on items like life experience. How savvy you are in being able to read another person, determining if you are being taken advantage of and so fourth is all based on your knowledge and what you have experienced personally.
How do I resist attempts to manipulate myself? Generally speaking, it’s simply understanding myself very well and understanding the underlying cause of what the other person wants. Let’s use something as mundane such as alcohol. I don’t drink personally and yet in life there are always people that try to convince me otherwise to do it with reasons such as it will benefit me in a good way or that it is “cool” to do so.
Like for that the first thing is I clearly understand why I don’t want to get into it in the first place. Two big reasons are it is a money sink I feel and that to my knowledge drinking that stuff makes you vulnerable in a way. Now take a person that is sitting there trying to convince me otherwise that it is good, a little won’t hurt and so fourth. My first thought is why do you want me to drink it so much? Usually in that scenario I understand that it’s not me you are necessarily looking out for but rather to that person it’s a challenge. So understanding that thought enables me to put less weight into their tactics and ultimately being less gullible.
In terms of hoping to get people to do what I want, for me in life it’s mostly lead by example. I am usually a bit more passive personally. Example, a person raises their voice and starts shouting at you. Many would simply yell back in hopes that if they yell loud enough they will over power them. For myself, I would rather have them yell at me to the point where they see themselves how irrational it is while I myself am simply trying to talk peacefully.
In regards to strength, again everyone is different as we all don’t have the same experiences. For myself I would say some of my biggest strengths, not talking about say technical or trade skills, is the level of loyalty and compassion that I have for others. I personally feel that strength is what enables me to really focus in helping to understand people while being persistent in going through the best and worst of times. As well, I think I have a good balance when it comes to being able to dream big while at the same time factoring what is realistic based on facts.
I know with that it completely contradicts generic descriptions as I usually read things like Pisces are simply dreamers and are not realistic. Again, I don’t think you can give blanket answers as we all grew up differently which is ultimately how we developed to who we are I say.
Tricia Asks:
Hi Alan,
I have posted a comment before but didn’t get a response… maybe you haven’t seen it yet but I really appreciate if you could help.. Thanks.
Hello.. I recently met a Pisces guy and I have some doubt on whether he likes me or not… I’ve met him on a Friday night and the following morning he texted me and I texted him back, then he didn’t text me back until like 12 hours later and asked me where I would be when I go out that night and he would come by and see me. The thing is, when he came by we didn’t even talk and I was a bit drunk and gave him so rude attitude. He texted me again in the morning and said hopefully he and I will at least talk next time.. but never asked me out… I responded and said I had no problem talking, then this guy waited for another 10 hours to send me a text at night and asked me how I was feeling cuz I said I was a bit sick on my facebook status…
and after a month.. he still hasn’t asked me out officially.. I would get texts from him to see if I was around the area when he goes out.. one time I got a text from him on a Tue that said “Have you even been to this xxx bar? well I’m going for happy hours on Friday… you should come”… The thing is, I said I couldnt’ make it ’cause I have yoga class to attend.. (because I really didn’t want to miss yoga class and I didn’t know whether he was asking me out.. to meet up with his friends, to bring my friends, or just meet randomly) …
and after that.. we bumped into each other at a party and we were literally 50ft distance apart… and we’ve never made any eye contact and he never came to say hi to me. All he did was flirting or chatting up other girls in front of me, knowing I was just 50ft away from him..
So I really don’t know what is his feelings for me now… Is he over me already? or he’s just not quite interested in me?
To me it sounds like he is interested in you but at the same time he is trying to imply to you that he isn’t “desperate” as he doesn’t want to make himself look like a beggar, so to speak. I say this because all that communication expresses interest. And by the sounds of it his intents that he proposed to be with you has been repeatedly rejected.
So to me, him flirting with those girls while being close to you is a passive aggressive way to “get even” as he feels a bit frustrated that you have been rejecting him so much. So it’s like his way of trying to make himself feel good for once. Of course, this is mostly assumption based on what I read here. But to me that is the most probable scenario.
Does he still like you? I would be inclined to say yes as if what I am thinking is right it’s almost like a situation where you know this awesome store that has been great but the last two times the shopping experience was bad. So then what you do is you shop somewhere else and then publicly leave a review rating where that old company can read it as you want to get it through to them that there are other opportunities out there and that you want them to recognize that and to start treating you better as you do genuinely want to go back but can’t continue if they keep treating you bad.
Depending on how bitter he is he may play hard to get now. But it comes down to how worth it he is to you to try and pursue as well as expressing your genuine interest for him.