Does he like me
SB asks:
Having spoken to a pisces man for two weeks we finally met and went on a first date. We passionately kissed at the end Of the date and agreed to meet the next Day as he said he was free all week. We went out. He took me to a restaurant and paid for everything, I also paid for drinks throughout the night. We passionately kissed and held each other for most of the night. He told me some of his past and we laughed so much. The next day I didn’t hear from him and I asked if i upset him. To which he said no, he had been in bed all day with a hangover. We then decided to meet the next day to go to the cinema.
I did ask him how he felt about me and he said can you not tell by the way I have been with you.
I don’t know why but I really like this guy a lot but how does he see me? I suffer from anxiety so that doesn’t help my thinking and being paranoid.
From the sounds of it he seems like he is into you. At the same time, him saying things like “can you not tell” in this context sounds like your doubts are in sense potentially “annoying” him. A good comparison I think would be that you cooked a meal for a person who seems to be eating it and enjoying it. However, you then stand next to them and ask every minute if they like the meal or not. As you can imagine, that can cause most people to get annoyed and upset to the point they would probably just want to leave.
So at this point it isn’t so much about him I feel as opposed to yourself where in many ways it seems like you need to judge things directly based on what you see/get as opposed to thinking there is some deeper and complex meaning to it.