pisces man personality symbolic
Reader Questions

Looking For An Outside Perspective On A Self Proclaimed Introverted Pisces Man

Sara Asks:

I recently met this guy through a dating site… seemed like an introvert. So, I initiated a conversation, we hit it off, he called me the first night and we talked through the night…He texted the next day and wanted to meet up. He is a paraplegic…He generally wants to meet at night and did not want to leave his car. He was open about stuff and yet not…I am shy as well so it was hard for me to jump in and be completely open. I may have given him mixed signals in terms of my interest….In any case:

After our first date, I texted him to tell him thank you and that I had a nice time…we texted a bit.

I sent him a text about something we had discussed when we met late the next day – I got no response I messaged him the next day – and we chatted very briefly I asked him to meet again after a two days – we met again (I thought the date went well, despite me having some ditzy moments). We texted a little that night I messaged him the next day – I got no response I left it be for a 4-5 days…I texted him asking if he wanted to meet up over the weekend as I was in his area…he responded to another detail of the text and ignored the meet request.

Did I text too much and scare him off? Or is he just not interested? Should I just give up and move on? I don’t have much experience with “relationships” with men so I often can’t read the signs. The last thing I want is to become that person who constantly texts and tries when the person is not interested. Please advice.


It sounds like he is not getting excited when he is around you. Imagine it like a person who always mass e-mails or messages everyone saying “Hey I am going to this event, who wants to tag along?” The thing is, the people in his/her social circle are not interested in the event or that they have been there plenty of times. Like there it wouldn’t necessarily be that they don’t want to hang out with the person, but the event doesn’t make them want to jump at the opportunity.

His physical handicap could be a factor in all this too such as him being self-conscience about it and not wanting to do events where he feels he is holding others back. In my opinion, you have to kind of test his interest in you by inviting him to something you know he loves or is passionate about. Example, just saying “Where do you want to go” is not specific enough as even a person like me would say “no idea”. Example, if you know he is crazy about cars and there is an annual car show convention happening in the area then him ignoring or saying no to that would kind of give you the hint that he isn’t interested in being with you. At the same time, if you have to pretend having an interest in the things he enjoys then maybe that is a sign that he isn’t the right guy for you.

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