Pisces Tattoo Artist
Amy Asks:
I am perplexed here. I had been crushing on this tattoo artist online before I met him and I was floored by how charming and sweet he was in person. Due to time contains, he partially finished my first of one tattoo and charged me for half of what he quoted for the pair. I was definitely flirty with him and he reciprocated it right back. He gave me his number and said that I can contact him any time for anything. I texted him so that he could have my number as well. Very soon after the tattoo session, he texted that he forgot to take a picture of the tattoo and asks me to send him one. I did and he said if I want to send him pics of any kind, that would be most welcome.
Long story short, we shared that we had been single for awhile and admitted our attraction to each other. I said that I did want to know him better and perhaps after the tattoo sessions are finished, we can. He said ok but wanted to trade pics. Against my better judgement, and with my raging libido’s encouragement I succumbed to reciprocating pics with him and that eventually led to hooking up. I went into it knowing this would be just sex and thought I could handle it since I’m moving out of state next month (he’s aware of this.) the sex was okay but towards the end, I started to feel cheap and used. I received one text from him afterwards that says that it was an “awesome!” time.
I was so disgusted w the experience but still wanted him to finish my tattoos so I merely replied with a smiley face. Since then I have not received one text from him except an occasional reply to a tattoo care question. I’m not an idiot, I get that he pursued me hard to get sex and dropped me like a hot potato once he got it. The problem is that with every passing day that he doesn’t text me or respond to my tattoo questions, I’m getting angered. I’m contemplating going to another tattoo artist to finish it but I really am a fan of the pisces’ work.
I asked him if he could finish everything this weekend since I have a lot going on with the move. Still no response. I’m contemplating on calling the shop to confirm the appointment tomorrow. He is part owner and answers the phone. I don’t want to seem stalkerish but this ignoring me thing is ridiculous and really starting to sting. I just want the tattoos to be done so I’ll never see him again! Advice on how to handle this would be much appreciated. I liked him but I didn’t really know him and I’m moving do that’s not going to happen. So why do I care if he’s ignoring me!!?? I am perplexed.
In my personal opinion I think it is important to first separate the business side of the relationship and the personal. Pardon my ignorance as I never got a tattoo, but isn’t he required to finish the job? If so, business wise I would first focus in documenting how you are trying to contact the ”business” with no luck. If they still fail to serve you then you can escalate it through other means such as leaving factual reviews of the business on places like the Better Business Bureau or even review sites like Yelp. Again though, separate business from personal. Who knows, maybe they will give you a refund and you can go elsewhere.
As for him, it does feel like he used you in a sense. And by the sounds of it, even you recognize this is probably a lost cause relationship wise. As to why you care that he is ignoring you, in my opinion you feel used and expected the best out of people. I would say the care comes from wanting your feelings to be heard and shared in an impacting way. Cause obviously as you say you felt dirty after the experience and it is something that is bottling you up. You kind of want him to understand/share your pain. But by the sounds of it, he isn’t going to be that guy and so you need to find another outlet.
People use the analogy of shaking a soda can and you can imagine what happens if you keep shaking it without allowing air to come out. Every time you don’t talk about it and he doesn’t respond it’s like someone is shaking the can more. I am not a doctor or anything so please keep that in mind. I am just telling you straight from the heart based on my personal life experiences.
So that would be my suggestion. Handle the business stuff in one way and for the personal hurt don’t rely on him to be your shoulder to cry on, so to speak. Find people that you can truly trust and respect in your life. It’s an unfortunate learning experience, but as they say everything in life makes you who you are and what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.