Some Site Upgrades For The Upcoming 2016 New Year
For all the regular visitors you may be wondering that things look a little different. I figured why not update the site as many times there were a lot of things on the backend that was rather time consuming. I also noticed that apparently a lot of you use mobile devices to browse this page too where I didn’t really consider that when I placed everything up. So hopefully that will make the browsing experience better. Was going to make this the New years task but thought my plate may be full so better to take care if it as much as possible now.
I am still tinkering with all the settings so please bar with me. I think I am going to have to take some new photos as the old ones don’t seem to be the ideal size proportions for the new layout. I do have a lot more options to use now too, so feel free to let me know if there is anything you would like me to change. Example, I know the font is a little different. Is it better or worse than before?
Hopefully you all like it better too.