Understanding a Pisces
Mary Asks:
I have this problem that hopefully you can help me with some insights. I’ve known this Pisces man for quite sometime, he’s actually my younger brother’s bff, but just gotten closer to him this last few months (been roughly 4 months). Prior to that, we’ve had a very few interactions, but since then, it’s been nonstop. Before, I go on with my story, I want to let you know that I am a married woman and he does live on the otherside of the US (I live in NJ; he lives in CA).
I also want to mention to you that prior to this; we went on vacation together with my brother and a couple of his friends earlier this year. So moving along, online conversation started about 4 months ago right after vacation. I’m the one that reached out to him. It was just an innocent conversation about me owing him money and me wanting to pay him back. It went on from there. At first, our conversations are the usual friendly banter. Then the flirting started. 1-3 messages per week at first.
Now, we chat online almost everyday. Mind you, chattiness stops or very few as soon as I get home or during weekends. Recently, he started opening up to me about failed hook ups, and wanting to get an insight of a girls point of view. I asked him a couple of times as well for some guy advice. In June, we are going to see each again for a few days. We are going to be in a group setting but I want to make sure that I don’t get awkward around him. I have a ton of questions as far as how do I proceed with this. I don’t really know if he likes me or not. That’s probably why, I’m reaching out to you. Help…
The first thing I am a little unclear about is the hope of the outcome on your part. Example, you mentioned that you are married. So like there are you saying this as a way to express that you are worried that he is getting romantically attached to you or is it the other way around? Example, if it is for the scenario that you are committed to your relationship and worried that he is maybe taking things the wrong way then simply being natural should be the answer I feel.
Because in my mind at this point there is a possibility that you are the distant close relationship where he can semi feel comfortable in trying to get insights from. The example would be there are a lot of people who would talk to maybe a person they only met once or twice about a lot of personal details as opposed to the close friend. The reason would be simple as since they interact with close friends everyday they may feel the topic that is bothering them will make them look bad where they will be constantly judged for it. So like there you are his brother’s family member so there is at least that tiny sense of safety but at the same time you two aren’t like bff’s too from what I gather. But things are growing as you say.
The fact that he is asking you for advice simply tells me that for whatever reason he values spending time with you. There isn’t enough information based on what you wrote to me that suggest it’s like for romantic reasons. If he is asking you about “hook ups” with the way I define a hook up is I think this is more of a comfort evaluation technique. Hence, it didn’t seem like you judged him for it but rather are supportive. So it’s simply a signal that he can open up more. Again, it doesn’t say anything about it being romantic or not yet I say.