I am wondering
Little Girl Asks:
Hello there,
I have a question and wonder to get an answer or explanation from you.
I really like a Pisces guy for about 3 years, and that happened when we were both high schoolers. He was younger than me, but we took the same Maths class so we saw each other pretty much every day. He was the one who came and talked to me first, I was so shy so I didn’t reply to him much even though he tried to talk and call my name everywhere I went in the school hall. Besides, he was VERY popular to the girls in school and he seemed friendly to them all. I was very sad about that but since he wasn’t my boyfriend, I couldn’t do anything to that.
There were three times he was confusing me, one day he decided to sit behind me and I thought he wanted to talk to his friend but he actually poked my waist multiple times, and that made my Maths teacher not happy with that. The second time was when we both walked in the school hall, and it was raining really hard outside and I held the door for him because he was the last one to get out of the class, he smiled to me when I held the door for him then I left him first to go back to the locker first, then all out of sudden, he suddenly grabbed and pulled my waist to him, I was so shocked and almost screamed in the silent school hall. My face went red so I picked up everything and ran down quickly. The third time happened in the library, I was doing the homework and he suddenly appeared and walked towards me since his friend was sitting beside me to finish his work too, but when his friend left the library, he still sat there and said not a word to me. My mind went crazy so I left to the toilet to hope that he might leave the place, when I came back, he was there sitting beside my chair saying nothing at all. He made my mind go crazy.
Sometimes I thought he might like me, but I wasn’t so sure about that.
After high shool, we didn’t see each other anymore, he had a girlfriend and I had my own personal matter to solve. One day, I decided to talk to him on Facebook, then he took 3 days later to answer me, we had a short conversation, but he suddenly stopped talking to me. I waited for him so long, but I got nothing from him. I was very upset and annoyed with that. I got more annoyed when I saw him online on Facebook, but he didn’t reply anything to me, that hurt me a lot.
Well, it takes few days to get over that, I am no longer sad at him because I love him, I respect whatever choice he makes. I am writing to you here just to know what advice you would give me, so I hope to hear your answer and thank you for taking a time to reply me. Have a nice day.
P.S. He told me he was in the army until the beginning of December, and we’re both foreign students in the USA.
P.S.S. I am a Sagittarius girl.
Little Girl,
To me it sounded like he was clearly into you and at the same time in a way it’s like he got turned down by you each time. Based on what you wrote too, quite a bit of time has passed since then where he even has a girlfriend now. This is only a guess as I don’t know the person personally, but maybe he is a fairly loyal person. Example, if he has a girlfriend his commitment is to her and knowing he had interest in you before means he shouldn’t be entertaining the thought of pursuing a relationship with you as it may jeopardize what he has now. Hence, less commitment to you when it comes to communication too.
I think the best thing you can do if you are getting mentally caught up in this is getting permission to ask him a serious question or to tell him something. In this case, directly asking how he felt about you in high school or how you felt then about him. Obviously this is very subjective as some would argue if the person is already in a relationship then you shouldn’t bring these kinds of topics up and move on. So with that said it’s a personal choice.
About the notion of waiting three days to get a response even though you saw him on Facebook, I would take that as a sign that he has a lot on his plate in his life where he will first gravitate towards sources that are helping him with it, so to speak. With that you should ask yourself are you contributing positively to help him with it too or would you simply be adding more to his plate? Example, maybe the army stuff is super stressful and what he personally really needed is people who can make him laugh as opposed to a serious conversation. Something to keep in.